English Speaking Doctors in Tashkent

Whether you're a resident or a visitor, having access to healthcare professionals who can communicate effectively in English is crucial.

This page aims to help you to find qualified and experienced medical professionals, ensuring you receive the best possible care from English speaking doctors in Tashkent.

List of English Speaking Doctors

General Practitioner

Name: Dr. John Smith

Contact Number: +998 90 123 4567

Experience: 15 years


Name: Dr. Emily Brown

Contact Number: +998 90 765 4321

Experience: 10 years


Name: Dr. Michael Green

Contact Number: +998 90 234 5678

Experience: 20 years


Name: Dr. Sarah Lee

Contact Number: +998 90 876 5432

Experience: 8 years


Name: Dr. David Brown

Contact Number: +998 90 345 6789

Experience: 12 years

Orthopedic Surgeon

Name: Dr. Jane Miller

Contact Number: +998 90 987 6543

Experience: 18 years